The Great Women Portrait Project
Project Participants


Great Women Productions


Educate this generation.

Inspire the next.

That's the work of Great Women Productions (GWP), and The Great Women Portrait Project.

The woman-led, sole proprietorship based in Halifax Nova Scotia creates portraits and art installations that reflect 'the female face' of innovation.

"Knowing the powerful paths women have paved in traditionally male-dominated fields like science, tech, engineering and math (STEM) gives girls and women a sense of ownership in these professions and areas of study and training," says Project creator Jo Napier.

 The Great Women Portrait Project




Jo Napier


As a former national newspaper columnist, documentary writer/producer and technology author, Jo Napier has interviewed the Internet’s seminal thinkers and pioneers for a PBS series, two PBS documentaries, and a book, Technology With Curves (Harper Collins). "During these interviews, I kept wondering: where are the great women shaping our digital world?"  Her research - and a growing sense of responsibility to show her daughter the faces and stories of Great Women - led to her first Great Woman portrait collection, a acquired by The Royal Bank for their national art collection. In 2023, she launched The Great Women Portrait Project and Great Women portraits now hang in the offices of Sanofi Pharmaceuticals, Lockheed Martin Canada, Women in Nuclear (Canada), universities, medical schools and libraries.


The Great Women Portrait Project 



Jo Napier, Creator, The Great Women Portrait Project 


"Women's history is half the history... but we weren't taught it. That omission is an opportunity to educate and to inspire; to change mindsets by revealing the hidden half of history and the 'female face' of innovation to this generation, and the next."



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